Level 2 Cache category, 2-11

line-in jack, 4-2, 5-5, 6-1

line-out jack, 4-2, 5-5, 6-1

logical formatting, 7-9, 7-12

low-level formatting, 7-12


memory adding, 6-4configurations, 6-5

error messages after installing, 2-15reserved memory, 2-5


Configuration Manager, B-5

help messages on System Setup screens, 2-2 invalid configuration information, 2-1, 6-5 ISA Configuration Utility, B-1

prompt to enter the System Setup program, 2-1responding to error messages, 2-15

microphone jack, 4-2,5-5,6-1

microprocessor fan connector, 6-1installing, 6-7

jumper settings for speed, 5-7,6-9replacing, 6-7

SEC cartridge location, 6-1

SEC cartridge/heat sink assembly removal, 6-8 socket, 5-9

speeds, 2-6

type supported, 1-1

Mouse category, 2-10

mouse connector, 4-2, 5-5, 6-1

MS-DOS network driver, 4-6


NDIS network driver, 4-6

Network Driver Interface Specification. See NDIS

network drivers MS-DOS, 4-6Windows 95, 4-4

Windows for Workgroups, 4-4Windows NT 3.5x, 4-3Windows NT 4.0, 4-2

network interface controller. See NIC

NIC about, 4-1configuring, 4-2connector, 4-2, 5-5, 6-1 link integrity, 4-1 MS-DOS driver, 4-6Windows 95 driver, 4-4

Windows for Workgroups driver, 4-4 Windows NT 3.5x driver, 4-3 Windows NT 4.0 driver, 4-2

NIC category, 2-10

notational conventions, x

notes, x

Num Lock category, 2-6


PIIX4 INF Update Installer, 1-6

padlock, 1-4,5-2

Parallel Mode category, 2-10

parallel port compatibility, 2-10connector, 4-2, 5-5, 6-1

Parallel Port category, 2-10


EIDE hard-disk drives, 7-9 SCSI hard-disk drives, 7-12

Index 5

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Dell Mini Tower System manual Index