Static VLAN Configuration Screen
7-6 802.1Q VLAN Configuration Menu Screens
When to Use
To create, modify, and/or delete one or more Static VLANs and associated VLAN names. This
screen also provides access to the Static VLAN Egress Configuration screen to modify the port list
of a VLAN selected from this screen, as described in Section 7.3.2.
How to Access
Use the arrow keys to highlight the STATIC VLAN CONFIGURATION menu item on the
802.1Q VLAN Configuration Menu screen, and press ENTER. The Static VLAN Configuration
screen (Figure 7-3) displays.
Used to display the current entries of VLAN ID (VID), protocol
classification, and description of each classification; assign VLANs
according to Classification rules; add/delete a VID and associated
classification entry; and access the Protocol Port Configuration
screen. Refer to Section 7.8 for additional information.
NOTE: Static VLANs are those VLANs that you create manually using this screen and
can only be deleted using this screen.
Table 7-1 802.1Q VLAN Configuration Menu Screen Menu Item Descriptions (Continued)
Menu Item Screen Function