For Web pages or programs where a logon has already been created
The following options are displayed on the context menu:
●Fill in logon
●Open Password
NOTE: The administrator of this computer may have set up Security Manager to require more than one credential when verifying your identity.
Adding logons
You can easily add a logon for a Web site or a program by entering the logon information once. From then on, Password Manager automatically enters the information for you. You can use these logons after browsing to the Web site or program, or click a logon from the Logons menu to have Password Manager open the Web site or program and log you on.
To add a logon:
1.Open the logon screen for a Web site or program.
2.Click the arrow on the Password Manager icon, and then click one of the following, depending on whether the logon screen is for a Web site or a program:
●For a Web site, click Add [domain name] to Password Manager.
●For a program, click Add this logon screen to Password Manager.
3.Enter your logon data. Logon fields on the screen, and their corresponding fields on the dialog box, are identified with a bold orange border. You can also display this dialog box by clicking Add Logon from the Password Manager Manage tab. Some options depend on the security devices connected to the
a.To populate a logon field with one of the preformatted choices, click the arrows to the right of the field.
b.To view the password for this logon, click Show password.
c.To have the logon fields filled in, but not submitted, clear the Automatically submit logon data check box.
d.To enable VeriSign VIP security, select the I want VIP security on this site check box.
This option appears only for sites where VeriSign Identity Protection (VIP) is available. When supported by the site, you can also choose to have your VIP Security Code automatically filled in along with your usual method of authentication.
e.Click OK, click the authentication method that you wish to use (fingerprints, password, or face), and then log on with the selected authentication method.
28 Chapter 4 HP ProtectTools Security Manager