3. Sweep Time Accuracy Test (220 ms)

‘Ihble 2-6.

Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times 220 s






Marker A Time





[ S W E E P

T I M E )

















20 s



3.6 s




4.4 s



200 s



32 s




48 s









Sweep Times 220 ms (Alternate Procedure)Start-Up TimeMeasurementSweep Time


14.Sweep times 220 ms are tested without external test equipment by the following procedure.

15.Press ~NSTR PRESET).

16.Set @WEEP TIME] according to Table 2-7. Press MARKER (j-1. Rotate the DATA knob to place the marker on the left edge of the CRT display. Key in CSHIFT) [my.

17.Press [SHIFT) [REsy three times. The Active Function Block reads SWEEP GEN followed by a measured sweep time. This is the start-up time. Record it in ‘Ihble 2-7. The start-up time must be subtracted from the SWEEP GEN time measured in step 19. (Adding the start-up time to the [SWEEP TIME] setting effectively subtracts it from the SWEEP GEN time.)

18.Press MARKER (OFF).

19.Press @?i] (REST three times and note the SWEEP GEN reading. The limits for the SWEEP GEN reading are listed in Table 2-7. (For example, assume the start-up time measured in step 17 was 700 ,US for a [SWEEP TIME) of 20 ms. The limits for the SWEEP GEN readings would be 19.3 to 22.7 ms.)

20.Repeat steps 16 to 19 for each sweep time shown in Table 2-7.

lhble 2-7.

Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times 220 ms

(Alternate Procedure)





Sweep Gen Readout

S W E E P -rIME_)











20 ms



18.0 ms


22.0 ms



50 ms



45.0 ms


55.0 ms



100 ms




110 ms


500 ms



450 ms



550 ms







900 ms



1.10 ms




10 s



9.00 ms


11.0 ms



50 s




55.0 ms


100 s




10.0 ms


150 s



20.0 s


80.0 ms










2 - 1 2 P e r f o r m a n c e T e s t s