4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test

17. Set the frequency synthesizer (FREQUENC‘ Tl to 30 kHz. On the spectrum analyzer key in [FREQUENCY SPP3011 Z, [SWEEP TIME] 0.5 seconds, SWEEP (SINGLEI), MA RKER (PEAK SEARCH). Record MARKER amplitude in Table 4-2.

18. Calculate the Impulse BW of the 300 kHz filter using the formula in step 8. Record in Table 4-2.

19. Set the frequency synthesizer (FREQUENCY] to 1 MHz. Set the pulse/function generator WID to 100 ns.

20. On the spectrum analyzer key in: [RES] 100 kHz (i), lJV’DEOBW) 1 MHz, [CENTER FREQUENCY) 1 MHz, CFREQUENCY SPAN) 400 kHz, SWEEP TIME IAUTO), SWEEP @Z’F), MARKER [PEAK SEARCH]. Record MARKER amplitude in ‘Ihble 4-2.

21. Set the frequency synthesizer [FREQUENCY] to 10 kHz. On the spectrum analyzer, key in: [FREQUENCY SPAN) 0 Hz, (SWEEP TIME ] 0.5 seconds, SWEEP l,S’NGLEJ MARKER [PEAK SEARCH). Record MARKER amplitude in Table 4-2.

22. Calculate the Impulse BW of the 100 kHz filter using the formula in step 8. Record in Table 4-2.

23. Set the frequency synthesizer (FREQUENCY] to 300 kHz. Set the pulse/function generator WID to 333 ns.

24. On the spectrum analyzer, key in: [REs) 30 kHz (i), ~~fVll3FC.--_-l-RW)_ ., 300 kHz, CCENTER FREQUENCY) 300 kHz, [FREQUENCY SPAN] 120 kHz, SWEEP TIME IAUTO), SWEEP @GiF), MARKER, CPEAK SEARCH).

Record MARKER amplitude in Table 4-2.

25. Set the frequency synthesizer CFREQUENCY] to 3 kHz. On the spectrum analyzer, key in: (FREQUENCY SPAN] 0 Hz, ~SWEEP TIME) 0.5 seconds, SWEEP @FZF), MARKER (PEAK SEARCH]. Record MARKER amplitude in Table 4-2.

26. Calculate the Impulse BW of the 30 kHz filter using the formula in step 8. Record in Table 4-2.

27. Set the frequency synthesizer [FREQUENCY) to 100 kHz. Set the pulse/function generator WID to 1 ps.

28. On the spectrum analyzer key in @FGFBWI) 10 kHz (i), @iZGXQ 100 kHz, &ENTER FREQUENCY] 100 kHz, [FRI:QUENCY SPAN) 40 kHz, SWEEP TIME [AUTO_], SW:EEP (SINGLE), MARKER [PEAK SEARCH). Record MARKER amplitucde in ‘Ihble 4-2.

29. Set the frequency synthesizer CFREQUENCV~ tn 1 kHz. On the

2 --

spectrum analyzer key in: (FREQUENCY SIm 0 Hz, [SWEEP TIME ]

0.5 seconds, SWEEP CRINGLE), MARKER (PEAK SEARCH). Record MARKER amplitude in Table L1-2.

30.Calculate the Impulse BW of the 10 kHz filter using the formula in step 8. Record in ‘lhble 4-2.

31.Set the frequency synthesizer [FREQUENCY) to 30 kHz. Set the pulse/function generator WID to 3.33 ps.

32.On the spectrum analyzer key in: @?X?i) 3 kHz (i), CVloEo] 30 kHz, (CENTER FREQUENCY) 30 kHz, [FREQUENCY SPAN) 12 kHz,

4-6 Option 462

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HP 8568B manual Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test