HP service parts information compact disc

This powerful, CD-ROM-based parts information tool is designed to give users fast, easy access to parts information and recommended stocking lists for a wide range of HP products. To subscribe to this quarterly service in the U.S. or Canada, call (1) (800) 336-5987. In Asia Pacific, call (65) 740-4484. Parts identification and pricing information can also be found on the World Wide Web at: http://www.hp.com/go/ partsinfo

HP support assistant compact disc

This support tool offers a comprehensive online information system designed to provide technical and product information about Hewlett- Packard products. To subscribe to this quarterly service in the U.S. or Canada, please contact your local customer care center.

Customer care reseller sales and service support center

The Customer Care Reseller Sales and Service Support Center is available to assist re sellers and service technicians. To reach this support center, call (1) (800) 544-9976.

HP authorized re sellers and support

To locate authorized HP re sellers and support, call

(1) (800) 243-9816 in the U.S. or (1) (800) 387-3867 in Canada.

HP service agreements

Call (1) (800) 743-8305 in the U.S. or (1) (800) 268-1221 in Canada.

Other areas

Outside of North America and Europe, contact the local HP sales office for assistance in obtaining technical support for re sellers and service technicians.

290 Chapter 11 – Services and support: resources and training