NVRAM PJL factory variables

To use the following commands, you need some method to send PJL commands to the printer, either with a software tool or by copying a binary file that contains the commands from the host using an MS-DOS® box. For example, from the MS-DOS prompt:

copy /b filename lpt1


Here is an example of a file that uses one of the commands:




@PJL ‘command’


Here is an example of using the NVRAMINIT command: ESC%-12345X@PJL SET SERVICEMODE=HPBOISEID @PJL NVRAMINIT



Set SERVICEMODE before trying to set the variable, or you will not archive the desired result. Also reset the PJL to be sure the SERVICEMODE status is cleared.

To create these files, you need an editor that can insert the ESC character or is able to copy it in from an existing file. If a software tool is used, simply send the same strings in the same order as given for the example files.

Recalibrating the copier/scanner

The optional copier/scanner automatically calibrates to the white sheet opposite the image sensor at the beginning of each scan or copy job.

Keep the white sheet clean to make sure the optional copier/scanner calibrates correctly.


LJ 1200 Service mode functions 91