Group Policies
Alert Configuration Policies
Sending Alerts to the HP TopTools Management Station
When you check this box, all alerts will be sent to the HP TopTools Server in addition to any other trap receivers that you have designated. This feature is enabled by default.
Removing Trap Receivers
If the Remove trap receivers not listed below check box is checked, any trap receivers configured that are not displayed in the trap receivers list box will be removed as trap receivers.
Figure 7-7. Alert Policies Page
Setting Fault Sensitivity
The Fault Sensitivity field allows you to set the sensitivity levels for the actions to be taken when a fault is detected on a port in your network. Switches only have a sensitivity setting for logging network problems. The sensitivity settings are:
High Sensitivity: The device will make an entry in the Alert Log (located in the Status tab of the Device page) when a network problem of any severity occurs.
Medium Sensitivity: The device will make an entry in the Alert Log when serious network problems occur.