Planning for Network Growth
Segments Excluded from Analysis
Segments Excluded from Analysis
Analysis of network traffic is possible for all segments with HP devices attached to them that have Extended RMON sampling capability, but may be performed for only a subset of the segments. This strategy best utilizes system resources for gathering information about the segments most likely to have traffic flow problems.
Segments that do not have Devices with Sampling
When no HP devices with Extended RMON sampling capability are attached to a segment, only SNMP data is incorporated into the analysis. These segments are listed as Overutilized Segments in the “Segments Excluded from Analysis” section of the Add or Upgrade Equipment Report. A recommenda- tion may be made to upgrade the segment to a faster speed if there is only one end node on the segment.
Segments not Selected for Analysis
If a segment is not considered a likely source of traffic problems, it may be excluded from analysis. If the segment traffic increases significantly, it will be included in future analyses of the network.