Planning for Network Growth
Top Conversations
The right column of the table shows the percent that this conversation contributed to the total traffic on this segment.
Possible reasons that a conversation may not be listed in the table when a conversation has occurred on the segment are:
The conversation was not in the top number of conversations (for example, the Top 10 conversations) selected for display for each segment
One end of the conversation is a device (hub, switch or router). Only conversations between end nodes are shown.
One or more of the end nodes was not found by the discovery/topology process.
The segment does not contain either of the end nodes of the conversation but the conversation traverses the segment. For example, a conversation traverses Segment 1, Segment 2, and Segment 3, but the conversation is only reported on Segment 1 and Segment 3, where the end nodes reside. (Conversations in which the end nodes are in different segments will be listed in both segments.)
Conversations involving nodes that utilize less than .1% of the segment bandwidth are not reported.
The segment was not discovered by HP TopTools.
Figure 10-9. Top Conversations Page
You can use the Top Conversations table to determine who is using the bandwidth when utilization is high for a segment.