Managing Switches
Configuring Switch Features
4.Confirm removal of the VLAN.
Modifying Port VLAN Configuration
There are three modes a port in a VLAN can be in:
To modify a port in a VLAN:
1.In the VLAN table, click on the Modify button for the VLAN whose ports you want to modify. The Modify Port VLAN Configuration page displays.
2.Select the port to be modified.
3.Select the mode, for example, Tagged.
4.Click on the Apply button.
Enabling GVRP Security
The Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) propagates topology information by using tags. The GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) is an
Policy rules or other network management methods can determine who is admitted to a VLAN. When a node requests admission to a specific VLAN, GVRP handles the registration of the node with
The GVRP protocol allows switches to tell each other which ports carry the traffic for a particular VLAN. For example, Switch A tells all other switches that it is connected to VLAN1. Any other switch connected to Switch A can also connect to a member of VLAN1. This is easier than manually configuring the ports of each switch to belong to a particular VLAN.
To enable GVRP Security for a port in a VLAN:
1.First make sure that the GVRP Enabled radio button at the bottom of the table in the VLAN Configuration page is checked.
2.Click on the GVRP Security button. The GVRP Security page displays.
3.Select the ports for which you want to assign a different security mode.
4.In the Security Mode