NET.CFG Options Reference

NetWare DOS Requester Option


preferred server=“server_name

Default NoneModules BIND.VLM

Example To specify the MKT_9 server as your preferred server connection, thereby speeding up log in to bindery services, you would place the following lines in your NET.CFG file:

netware dos requester preferred server=mkt_9

NOTE:If both PREFERRED TREE (for NetWare Directory Services) and PREFERRED SERVER (for bindery services) are specified, then the first protocol to successfully build an attachment is used.

PREFERRED TREE=“tree_name”

Sets the Directory tree you first want to connect to in a NetWare 4 network if you have multiple trees.

If the tree specified has a server with a free connection, the NetWare DOS Requester attaches to that tree. Otherwise, it attaches to the nearest tree that contains a User object for the user authenticating to the network server.


preferred tree=“ tree_name

Default None

Modules NDS.VLM

Example To specify the MARKETING tree as your preferred tree connection, thereby speeding up log in to NetWare Directory Services, you would place the following lines in your NET.CFG file:

netware dos requester preferred tree=“marketing”
