NET.CFG Options Reference

NetWare DOS Requester Option

network printers=0

pb buffers=0

print header=0

print tail=0

signature level=0

This entry indicates the following:

The sum of character length of server names attached to is 24

You are not running any NETX applications

You print to a local printer only

The servers are running NetWare 4 only (no bindery or Personal NetWare connections)

Best Compromise

The default settings for the NetWare DOS Requester provide the best compromise between performance and memory usage.

You should use the default settings until you can determine the optimal configuration for your particular network and client workstations.

Following is a sample working NET.CFG file for a client workstation. Wherever feasible, default settings are used. Otherwise, example variable replacements are used (for example, the preferred server name):

link driver ne2000 port 300

int 3

frame ethernet_802.2 netware dos requester

netware protocol=nds,bind first network drive=f preferred server=sales auto retry=10

bind reconnect=on cache buffers=40 checksum=0 connections=16
