NET.CFG Options Reference

Link Support Option


For IPX:


communication_number: The IPX protocol utilizes its


own buffers and does not require the Link Support


Layer software to provide buffers for it.


buffer_size: 1500 bytes




communication_number: 8 buffers


buffer_size: 1500 bytes


TCP/IP requires only 1500 bytes, because the LAN


driver places the 14 bytes of media header on the


frame, prior to transmission.


For LSL:


buffer_size: 1514 bytes


This accommodates any protocol that utilizes raw


sends on Ethernet.




To ensure that the communication buffers are large enough


to hold all media headers, you could place the following


lines in your NET.CFG file:


[For an Ethernet configuration]


link support


buffers 8 1514


[For a token-ring configuration]


link support


buffers 8 4222


