NET.CFG Options Reference

Link Driver Option

IRQ [#1 #2] interrupt_request_number

Specifies which interrupt (IRQ) the network board is set to use.


irq [#1 #2] interrupt_request_number


Use the same interrupt request number that is set


on the network board.






See your LAN driver documentation for the


specific IRQ default values.




To specify interrupt 5 on an NE2100 network board, you


would place the following lines in your NET.CFG file:


link driver ne2100


irq 5


To specify more than one interrupt request number,


you could place the following lines in your NET.CFG




link driver ne2100


irq #1 5


irq #2 3



NOTE:The syntax for this parameter has changed from INT to IRQ. The INT syntax is still supported, but it is recommended that you update client workstations to use IRQ.

Before changing the value of the interrupt request number for your network board, be sure you know what interrupt value settings are used on other hardware (such as monitors) that you are using.

For example, interrupts 2 and 9 through 15 are usually reserved, so don’t use those numbers (especially 2) for your network board.

We recommend using 3, 5, or 7 for most network boards.


Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be put on the network by the

NTR2000.COM and LANSUP.COM LAN drivers.
