Ÿ Power On Via Ring Indicate (on/off)
ŸNumber of Rings Before Power On
This service aid may be accessed directly from the AIX command line, by enter
Configure Surveillance Policy Service Aid
This service aid monitors the system for hang conditions, that is, hardware or software failures that cause operating system inactivity. When enabled, and surveillance detects operating system inactiviy, a call is placed to report the
Use this service aid to display and change the following settings for the Surve Policy.
ŸSurveillance (on/off)
ŸSurveillance Time Interval
This is the maximum time, in minutes, between heartbeats from the operating system.
ŸSurveillance Time Delay
This is | the | time | to | delay, in minutes between when the operating system is i |
control | and | when | to | begin operating system surveillance. |
ŸChanges are to take affect immediately
Set this to Yes if the changes made to the settings in this menu are to t immediately. Otherwise the changes will take place beginning with the next system boot.
This service aid may be accessed directly from the AIX command line, by enter
Configure Reboot Policy Service Aid
This service aid controls how the system will try to recover from a system cras
Use this service aid to display and change the following settings for the Reb Policy.
ŸMaximum Number of Reboot Attempts
Enter a number that is 0 or greater.
Chapter 7. Using the