the hot roll increases. The thermistor resistance changes from approximately 150K ohms to approximately 260K ohms as the temperature of the fuser hot roll increases. The thermistor is connected to the fuser control board connector
The voltage drop across the thermistor is proportional to the fuser temperature and varies from approximately 2.0 V dc (cold) to 2.3 V dc (warm during idle) to approximately 2.7 V dc during continuous printing. These voltages are assuming the fuser temperature is set to normal. The HEATON signal from
The model 2420, 2450 and 2455 printer fuser temperature is 200.8 degrees C while printing at 600 dpi and 163.9 degrees C while printing at 1200 dpi.
The model 1620, 1625 and 1650 printer fuser temperature is 185.5 degrees C while printing at 600 dpi and 145.5 degrees C while printing at 1200 dpi.
The model 1250 and 1255 printer fuser temperature is 206.9 degrees C while printing at 600 dpi and 151.5 degrees C while printing at 1200 dpi.
The model 3455 printer fuser temperature is 270 degrees C while printing at 600 dpi and 170 degrees C while printing at 1200 dpi.
Diagnostic Aids