The INTUITY CONVERSANT Voice Information System is an interactive voice-response system that automates telephone-call transactions from simple tasks like routing calls to the right department to complex tasks such as registering college students or providing bank balances. It communicates with customers in natural-sounding, digitally recorded speech. And it performs — 24 hours a day and without the services of an operator.
The system can handle single or multiple voice-response applications simultaneously, and can serve up to 48 callers at once. It can operate by itself to dispense information or collect data, or it can work with a host computer to access a large database such as bank account records. With its speech-recognition capability, even rotary telephone users can have access to sophisticated telephone-based services. Advanced telephone features provide intelligent call-transfer capabilities and allow you to use the system in your existing telephone environment.
The system’s speech-recognition feature offers speaker-independent recognition of strings of digits and a standard vocabulary consisting of the digits 0 through 9, “oh,” “yes,” and “no.” With speaker-independent speech recognition, the system understands virtually any caller speaking American English. This differs from speaker-dependent recognition, which understands only one particular speaker.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview 555-235-100 | Issue 2 June 1999 4-20 |