CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem

Rev. 2

CLI and Telnet Interface


Menu Options/Fields





packets for a route because of a lack in carrier



bandwidth. The Min Bandwidth is entered in multiples



of 8 Kbps.




Max Bandwidth


The Max bandwidth field establishes a hard maximum



traffic rate that can be processed by the CiM before it



starts to silently discard traffic. A value of 0 for this field



implies that no maximum limit is assigned to a route.



This value is entered in multiples of 8 Kbps.



Priority allows the user to specify a specific route to be



prioritized as either Priority 1 or Priority 2. Priority 1



was intended to be used when the route is servicing



traffic that requires as much latency and jitter



suppression as possible, for example RTP (voice)



traffic. All other traffic should be given Priority 2, to



ensure that mission critical traffic using Priority 1 will



have no performance degradation. Default value for



Prioity is 1.



NOTES on QoS and QoS Prioritization:



On input of Min B/W per route, please ensure SUM of



Min B/Ws do not exceed total modem Transmit



bandwidth. This is not automatically checked by CLI.



When a Min B/W is specified for any Priority 1 or



Priority 2 Route, All Priority 1 Max B/Ws are



automatically calculated and filled in based on the



following explanation:



The CLI sums all routes’ Min B/W (MINSUM) and then



calculates Excess Bandwidth = Total Modem Tx



Bandwidth - MINSUM



The Excess Bandwidth is then equally distributed



across the number of Priority 1 streams. That means



the Max B/W per Priority 1 stream is automatically filled



in as that specific route’s MIN plus the divided up



Excess Bandwidth.



This is done for two reasons:



If a Priority 1 route does not have a Max B/W limit, it



will take all excess bandwidth, starving any Priority 2



from its guaranteed MIN B/W. This ensures Priority 2



MIN B/W settings are honored.



To calculate for the administrator -- given all configured



Min B/Ws, total bandwidth of modem, and equally



distributed excess bandwidth across all Priority 1



routes -- what the Max B/W would be for each Priority 1



specific route.



Please note that when no MINs are specified the MAXs



are left at zero, meaning QoS is handled on a pure



priority basis.



Max/Min B/W settings are given in 1024 blocks. To



calculate the actual B/W setting simply multiple the



number shown by 1024. Alternatively note, that Tx