Application Note - Flash Upgrading the

CiM-550 Satellite Modems

Flash Upgrade Overview

Many Comtech EF Data modems use "flash memory" internally, eliminating the need for physically replacing firmware. The advantages of using flash are many, but perhaps the greatest benefit is realized by not having to disassemble the modems to replace an integrated circuit. New firmware can simply be uploaded to the units from an external PC.

The CiM family of modems have base modem firmware (M&C) and CiM module firmware.

Performing a base modem M&C flash upgrade erases the non-volatile RAM, which is where the modem's configuration is stored. Users must re-enter the desired

IMPORTANT configuration parameters.

Note: While the M&C and CiM module firmware downloads are independent processes, the modem may require the latest firmware releases for both the M&C and CiM module for proper functionality.

Flash updating firmware is a simple process, and users can now obtain upgrades by any of these convenient means: Download from the Comtech EF Data website (

Download from the Comtech EF data FTP Site (

Contact CiM Field Support for downloading information ( Request as E-mail attachments

Request shipment on diskettes or CD-ROM.

The M&C upgrade can be performed without opening the unit, by connecting the modem to the serial port of a computer and executing a flash uploader software program. The cable to connect the PC to the modem is the same as is used for normal EIA-232 remote control, and comprises three wires connected between two 9-pin "D" type female connectors. Ensure this cable is connected and working properly before proceeding with an M&C or BULK firmware flash upgrade.

The CiM module firmware is upgraded by using an FTP utility to transfer the flash files to the modem. The cable to connect the PC to the modem is a standard 8 pin category 5 Ethernet cable. An Ethernet switch, hub or crossover cable is required to facilitate proper connectivity. Ensure this connection is working properly before proceeding with a CiM module firmware flash upgrade.

The Remote Control port EIA-232 lines used for Flash upgrading are also connected to the Primary 25-pin data connector (P3B), and are used when 1:N Redundancy Switch is

connected. Please ensure that NOTHING is connected to P3B pins 4, 21 and 22 – if these

IMPORTANT pins are used, the EIA-232 remote control port will not function, and Flash upgrading will be impossible.

Copyright 2002 Comtech EFData Corp.


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