Chapter 4. Front Panel Menus
The user can fully control and monitor the operation of the
The display has two lines each of 24 characters. On most menu screens, the user will observe a flashing solid block cursor, which blinks at a
If the user were to display the same screen for weeks at a time, the display could become ‘burnt’ with this image. To prevent this, the unit has a ‘screen saver’ feature which will activate after 1 hour. The top line of the display will show the Circuit ID (which can be entered by the user) and the bottom line will show the circuit Eb/No value (if the demod is locked) followed by ‘Press any key....’. The message moves from right to left across the screen, then wraps around. Pressing any key will restore the previous screen.
The keypad comprises six individual key switches, mounted directly behind a fully sealed membrane overlay. They have a positive ‘click’ action, which provides the user with tactile feedback. These six switches are identified as UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, LEFT ARROW, ENTER and