CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem

Rev. 2

CiM IP Module Checkout & Fault Isolation



Use the following troubleshooting steps if unable to succesfully complete “CiM IP Module Checkout”.

Step Problem

1No Ping response from the locally connected PC to the CiM ethernet port. ICMP resonse is ‘Request timed out’ or ‘Destination host unreachable’.


1)Verify correct IP address/subnet on PC and CiM.

2)Verify ethernet connection – cables, hub, etc. PC and CiM should have Ethernet activity LED lit.

NOTE: a PC must be connected to the CiM using a hub, switch or a RJ45 crossover cable.

2No Ping response from the locally connected PC to the CiM HDLC port. ICMP resonse is ‘Request timed out’ or ‘Destination host unreachable’.

3No Ping response from PC 1 to PC 2 or vice versa. ICMP resonse is

‘ Reply from 172.1X.10.10 - Destination host unreachable’

4No Ping response from PC 1 to PC 2 or vice versa. ICMP resonse is

‘ICMP resonse is ‘Request timed out’.

1)Verify the PC gateway is set to the IP address of the CiM ethernet port

1) Verify CiM Route Tables are correct

1)Verify CiM HDLC IP address/subnet and HDLC Channel Address settings are correct.

2)Send a constant ping from the PC 1 ‘ping 172.1X.10.100 –t’ to PC 2. In the CiM 1, go to Operations and Maintenance/Diagnostics. Enable ‘Dump Packets transmitted to Satellite Interface”. Verify that the Pings are being transmitted by observing 1 packet on CLI every second. If not displayed, reverify PC 1 and CiM 1 settings.