CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem

Rev. 2

CLI and Telnet Interface








Route 1 (Vidconf) and Route 2 (VoIP) traffic require that the packets are forwarded with the least amount of latency, so they are designated as Priority 1. Route 1 has a Min B/W of 512 kbps to insure that amount of B/W will always be available for the video traffic.

Route 2 is set up similarly with a Min B/W of 384 kbps for VoIP traffic.

Note: Setting a Min B/W for a route does not mean that that B/W is only available for that particular route 100% of the time. If less than the Min B/W is being used for a route, the CiM will allow other traffic to use the B/W; so maximum BW usage is always achieved. A Min B/W is set to make that amount of B/W available whenever needed for that route.

Route 3 (Internet) is designated as Priority 2 since it does not have the stricter latency requirements of video or VoIP. Although it is Priority 2, there is a Min and Max B/W of 768 kbps that will assure that at least (but never more than) 768 kbps will be made available for Internet access.

Route 4 (FTP) is set up similar to Route 3 and it will have at least 512 kbps but never more than 1024 kbps available for FTP.

Route 5 (SMTP) is Priority 2 with no Min or Max B/W settings because it is low priority, non-latency sensitive traffic. Since all of the 2048 kbps of the modem is assigned to the other routes Min B/W’s, the SMTP will only have BW when at least one of the other routes is not utilizing all of it’s Min B/W.