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Remote Start Via the PCI Bus
00040100 0B? .<cr>
Enter the program to be executed by the target MPU in the target board’s local memory.
MCPN750A (target) Console
00040200 39400026 syscall .pcrlf<cr>
00040208 39400024 syscall .writeln<cr>
00040210 39400026 syscall .pcrlf<cr>
00040218 3C609000 addis r3,r0,$9000<cr>
0004021C 3863FEC4 addi r3,r3,$fffffec4<cr>
00040220 80830000 lwz r4,$0(r3) ($8ffffec4)<cr>
00040224 60840080 ori r4,r4,$80<cr>
00040228 90830000 stw r4,$0(r3) ($ffffec4)<cr>
0004022C 39400063 syscall .return .<cr>
Note In the program shown above, you must manually adjust the operands of the instructions at memory locations 40218 and 4021C to produce a pointer to the Command/Response register (the 2155x Scratch 7 register) that is appropriate for the particular target board you are using.
On the host console, the PCI Remote Start “Write/Read virtual register command” can be used to initialize VR0 and VR2. VR0 points at the target program. VR2 will initialize target MPU R3 to point at the string to be displayed by the program.
MCP750 (host) Console
Start the program from the host console:
MCP750 (host) Console
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