3 |
Table 3-1. Debugger Commands (Continued)
Command | Description |
FORKWR | Fork Idle MPU with Registers |
GD | Go Direct (Ignore Breakpoints) |
GEVBOOT | Global Environment Variable Boot |
GEVDEL | Global Environment Variable Delete |
GEVDUMP | Global Environment Variable(s) Dump |
GEVEDIT | Global Environment Variable Edit |
GEVINIT | Global Environment Variable Initialization |
GEVSHOW | Global Environment Variable(s) Display |
GN | Go to Next Instruction |
GO | Go Execute User Program |
GT | Go to Temporary Breakpoint |
HE | Help |
IDLE | Idle Master MPU |
IOC | I/O Control for Disk |
IOI | I/O Inquiry |
IOP | I/O Physical (Direct Disk Access) |
IOT | I/O Teach for Configuring Disk Controller |
IRD | Idle MPU Register Display |
IRM | Idle MPU Register Modify |
IRS | Idle MPU Register Set |
LO | Load |
MA | Macro Define/Display |
NOMA | Macro Delete |
MAE | Macro Edit |
MAL | Enable Macro Listing |
NOMAL | Disable Macro Listing |
MAR | Load Macros |
MAW | Save Macros |
MD, MDS | Memory Display |
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