3 Use the numeric keypad to enter a message for the cover page. The message can be up to 40 characters in length. Enter the message the same way you entered your fax name during EasyStart. Let’s review the process:
On the LCD, you will see the char- acter set currently available, such as:
To find a different character, press 2 or 8 over and over again to scroll through character sets until you see the one you want.
If you need to include a space, one can be found at the beginning and end of each character set.
When you see the character you want:
•Press either 4 or 6 to move the cursor until it covers the desired character.
•Then press 5 to enter the character and move on to the next entry.
Note: If you make a mistake, just press CANCEL to erase to the left. Then continue to enter the character(s) you want.
Note: As you enter characters, the LCD will scroll to the left so you can view entries longer than five characters.
4 When the message is as you want it, press ENTER to save it.
Printing the cover page
To print a sample cover page from your fax machine. Press PROGRAM, H, 3, ENTER.
Beyond the basics
Managing your fax with its journal and reports
Setting the activity journal
Just as a checkbook records your financial transactions, your fax machine keeps an activity journal which records its 50 most recent fax transactions. The activity jour- nal lists the following information for each fax transaction:
•Assigned number, starting each day at number 1
•Remote location called
•Resolution mode
•Starting date and time
•Duration, in minutes and seconds
•Length, in number of pages
•Result of the call — If preceded by an asterisk (*), this signifies an ECM communi- cation (see page 2.4)
•Any special operations — For example, a fax call made using an handset will appear as “Manual”
If you want, your fax machine will print the activity journal automatically after
50 transactions. To toggle this automatic printing on or off:
1 Press PROGRAM, G, 1. The LCD shows:
Journal On/Off
2 Press ENTER. The LCD shows the current setting:
Auto Print: Off
If this setting you see is acceptable, skip to step 4.
If not, go on to step 3.
3 To change the setting, press or
once or twice until the mode you want appears. Here, we chose On.
Auto Print: On
4 Press ENTER to save the setting.
Printing an activity journal manually
To see an activity journal immediately, just print the journal manually at any time
by pressing PROGRAM, G, 2, ENTER.