Polycom ViewStation manual Network Stats, Advanced Stats, Call Status

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Chapter 5

System Information and Diagnostics

Advanced Statistics. see page 173

Call Status, see page 173

Color Bar, see page 174

Audio, see page 174

Near End Loop, see page 174

Far End Loop (in H.320 call only), see page 174

Reset System, see page 175

Figure 5-2. System Diagnostics Screen

Network Stats

The Network Statistics screen displays the network protocols and transmits and receives data speeds for video calls.

Advanced Stats

The Advanced Network Statistics screen displays detailed information about the status of your call. Transmit and receive speeds are displayed for both audio and video during a video call.

Call Status

The Call Status screen allows you to determine if one of the far site’s ISDN channels consistently fails to connect. If you highlight any of the call progress indicators, the corresponding line number appears. You can then compare this number to the number you need to dial. Check the status code for each line if you need to troubleshoot line problems. See "ISDN Information" on page 203.

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ViewStation User Guide

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Polycom ViewStation manual Network Stats, Advanced Stats, Call Status