Polycom ViewStation manual Ports Used, 12. V.35 Video Network Screen

Models: ViewStation

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Chapter 1

Getting Started

V.35 Ports Used:

1: For 1-channel calls when dialing through the V.35, or when the ViewStation is in non-dialed mode.

1-2:For 2 X 56 Kbps or 2 X 64 Kbps calls when dialing through the V.35.

Figure 1-12. V.35 Video Network Screen

Dialing Protocol: RS-366 is displayed as the dialing protocol if the RS-366 Dialing option is enabled. This field cannot be changed.

Broadcast Mode: The ViewStation V.35 supports H.331 broadcast mode for broadcast transmissions over satellite. In H.331 broadcast mode, the ViewStation sends and receives audio and video without handshaking with either the far site ViewStation or H.331-compatible video communications systems. One ViewStation can send video and audio to many ViewStations or other H.331-compatible systems, as in a large satellite network.

Checked: Enables broadcast mode. When checked, the Broadcast Mode Setup icon appears.

Not checked: Disables broadcast mode. When not checked the Broadcast Mode Setup icon is not present.

ViewStation User Guide



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Polycom ViewStation manual Ports Used, 12. V.35 Video Network Screen