Polycom manual ViewStation Software, Downgrading Software, Upgrading Software

Models: ViewStation

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Chapter 4

Using the ViewStation with a PC

ViewStation Software

Downgrading Software

ViewStations operating on version 7.0+ software can downgrade to software version 5.5. This may be done to allow a ViewStation with older software with communicate to another ViewStation. Upgrading both ViewStations to software version 7.0+ is strongly recommended.

Note PC software applications such as Visual Concert PC only operate on ViewStation software version 7.0.

Upgrading Software

The two methods for updating the ViewStation software are:

Using an H.320 call

Using the Polycom SoftUpdate application over a PC connected to a LAN

Upgrading Software over ISDN

The software on the ViewStation can be upgraded using an H.320 video call only from another ViewStation. Upgrading software over H.320 can only be done with a ViewStation of the exact model.

You can perform a software upgrade to the far site over your H.320 line during a call. Upgrading works best at 384 Kbps.

Caution Do not power off the ViewStation during the software update process. If you power off a ViewStation during the download process, the ViewStation reverts to its original software version.

The ViewStation automatically restarts once the software upgrade process is complete.

Complete the following steps to upgrade a system:

1.Place a video call to the far site ViewStation.

2.Select System Info > Admin Setup > Security and write down the passwords that appear on the Security screen of the site you want to upgrade.

© Polycom, Inc.


ViewStation User Guide

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Polycom manual ViewStation Software, Downgrading Software, Upgrading Software over Isdn