Polycom ViewStation manual Using the Global Address Book, Using Multi-Point Address Book Entries

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Chapter 3

Using the ViewStation

Using the Global Address Book

You can access the Global Address Book (GAB) if your organization uses Polycom's Global Management System(GMS) software and the ViewStation is set to subscribe to the GAB server. The GAB provides ViewStation users with easy, one-button dialing to an endpoint in the global address book. The GAB automatically captures and updates ViewStation dialing information, country codes, and preferred line speeds.

To place a call, select a name from the Address Book list.

The following icons on the Address Book screen indicate GAB status and individual address status.

The display of this icon indicates the ViewStation is connected to the GAB server. When the icon rotates, it indicates that the ViewStation is actively accessing the GAB server for addresses. Notice the icon rotating as you scroll through the address book entries.

This icon indicates that the selected address is an address from the GAB. You cannot edit or delete global addresses from your ViewStation. You can perform these tasks only from the GAB console.

This icon lets you save a global address entry to your local address book.

This icon lets you delete addresses from the ViewStation.

For more information about GMS software, see the Polycom Web site at www.polycom.com.

Using Multi-Point Address Book Entries

Adding multi-point entries into the ViewStation MP address book or the GAB allows the ViewStation to call several sites at one time using one address book entry.

If you delete a single site entry from the address book and that entry is part of a multi-point address book entry, the multi-point address book entry is automatically deleted from the address book.

ViewStation User Guide



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Polycom ViewStation manual Using the Global Address Book, Using Multi-Point Address Book Entries