Polycom manual Initial System Configuration, Setup Common to all ViewStations

Models: ViewStation

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Chapter 1

Getting Started

Initial System Configuration

This section explains how to set up the ViewStation. Except where noted, the following section applies to all ViewStation models.

Setup Common to all ViewStations

The following instructions is a set of general setup procedures which cover all ViewStation models. Specific information that is unique to each ViewStation model is noted.

1.Power on the television monitor and ViewStation.

2.On the Welcome screen (shown in Figure 1-2) select the language used to display screens and information on the ViewStation.

Figure 1-2. ViewStation Select Language Screen

3.There are two ViewStation Welcome screens. The first is the

ViewStation Select Language screen (shown in Figure 1-2) Specify the desired country and language on this screen, and press the SELECT button on the remote control to continue.

The main Welcome screen (shown in Figure 1-3) is a general greeting in the language previously selected.

© Polycom, Inc.


ViewStation User Guide

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Polycom manual Initial System Configuration, Setup Common to all ViewStations