Connected Port: This is the type of port (Ethernet, ISDN, or Unknown) overwhich OverLAN Commander is communicating to the router. OverLAN Commander can monitor routers on Ethernet ports regardless of whether any calls are active. However, routers on ISDN ports can only be monitored when calls are active to those routers.

If a call to a router on an ISDN port is hung-up, OverLAN Commander will not be able to monitor such a router. An Unknown port is a port that OverLAN Commander simply cannot determine.

Ethernet Address: This is the Ethernet location, or MAC address, of the selected router.

Firmware Version: This is the version of firmware used by the selected router.

Checksum: This is the checksum of the firmware for the selected router. The word in parenthesis after the checksum indicates whether the Flash EPROM or Permanent EPROM source of firmware is being used.

Hardware Version: This is the version of hardware for the selected router.

Router Status: This indicates the current operating status of the selected router. Active indicates the router is currently "visible" on the network. Inactive indicates the router is currently "not visible" on the network.

Call Status

Call Status information appears under the General Tab for the properties for a router.


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Ringdale ISDN user manual Call Status