must select the Save Setup button. There after, anyone attempting
to access the router setup or configuration settings must first
provide a password. In OverLAN Commander, the following
Password dialog box will appear. You must type in the password
indicated in the Password field under Router Name/Password. If
the field was left blank, then just select the OK button to continue.
Note that the password may appear blank if only spaces were typed
in for the password -- in which case you must type in spaces for the
Password dialog box. The Password dialog box is shown below.
Disable Remote Management: Select this option to prevent
Remote Management. Remote Management allows the selected
router to be managed from the remote site (the site you are calling
or are called by). When Remote Management is allowed, the local
site is still able to manage the router. But, it is recommended that a
router be managed by only one site. If more than one site must be
used to manage a router, it is recommended that you exit OverLAN
Commander after each session is complete. Disabling Remote
Management prohibits the remote site from managing the selected
Protocol Options
Protocol Options appears under the Setup Tab > General Tab for
the properties for a router.