Setting up Call Control
Step 12: Select Call on Demand or Call by
From the Setup dialog box
Call Method:
By Command is recommended if your router will have only a single user. This option gives you complete control over the ISDN connection.
On Demand instructs the router to place the call automatically when data is received for the remote network. You can select On Demand for channel B1 or B2 or both channels B1 and B2.
Permanent instructs the router to place and maintain the call automatically regardless of whether there is data for the remote network. You can select Permanent for channel B1 or B2 or both channels B1 and B2.
If Call on Demand is enabled, you must also setup Call Timeout. Type in the number of seconds the selected router will keep a line up when there is no activity. A value of 0 will be interpreted as infinity, which means a call will never