•Be sureto format the memory card (see p.63) ffyou are using a newly purchased memory for the first time, if it contains data that the camera cannot recognise,or if it contains imagescaptured with a different camera.
•Turnoff the camera powerwhenever the memory card is being inserted or removed.
•Repeated use of the memory card willeventually reducethe memory cards performance. Should this be the case, you willneed to purchase a new memory card. Wear and tearon the memory card is notcovered by the Samsung warranty.
•The memory card is an electronic precision device.
Do not bend, drop orsubject the memory card to any heavy impact.
•Do not storethe memory card in an environment with strong electronic or magneticfields, e.g. near loud speakersor TV receivers.
•Pleasedo not use orstore in an environment wherethere are extremes in temperature.
•Do not allow the memory card to become dirty orto come into contact with any liquid. Shouldthis happen, clean the memory card with a soft cloth.
•Pleasekeep the memory card in its case when not in use.
•During and after periodsof extended use, you may notice that the memory card iswarm. This is perfectly normal.
•Do not use a memory card that isused in anotherdigital camera.
To use the memorycard in thiscamera, format the memory card usingthis camera.
•Do not use a memory card formatted by anotherdigital camera or memory card reader.
•tfthe memory card is subjectedto any of the following, the recorded data may become corrupted :
-When the memory card is used incorrectly.
-Ifthe power is switchedoff or the memory card is removed while recording, deleting (formatting)or reading.
•Samsung cannot be heldresponsible for lost data.
•It isadvisable to copy important data onto other media as
•tftbere isinsufficient memory available
: A [MemoryFull!] messagewilt appear and the camera will notoperate. To optimisethe amount of memory inthe camera, replace the memory card or delete unnecessary images stored on the memory card.