•HowtousetheAUTOmode(_ ) Pleaseselectthismodeforquickandeasypicturetakingwithminimaluser interaction.
1insertthebatteries(p. .10)Insertthebatteries. takingnoteofthepoladty(+/
2.Insert the memory card (p.10). As this camera has a 20MB internal memory, you do not need to insert the memory card. if the memory card isnot inserted, an image wilt be stored in the internal memory. Ifthe memory card isinserted, an image wilt be stored on the memory card.
3.Close the batterychamber cover.
4.Press the powerbutton to turnon thecamera.
(if the date/time that is displayedon the LCD | [ AUTOmode] |
monitor is incorrect, resetthe date / time before |
taking a picture.) |
5.Select the AUTO mode by rotatingthe mode dial.
6.Point the camera towards the subject and compose the image byusing the LCD monitor.
7.Press the shutterbutton to capture an image.
•How to usethe PROGRAM mode ( PROG ) Selectingthe automatic mode will configurethe camera with optimal settings. You can still manually configure all functions except the aperturevalue and shutterspeed.
1.Select the PROGRAM mode by rotating the mode dial.
2.Press the menu button to configure advanced functions such as image size (p.36),quality (p.36),
metering (p.37),auto focus type (p.37),continuous
shooting (p.38), sharpness(p.39)and OSD[ PROGRAM mode ] information(p.39).
•How to usethe APERTURE PRiORiTY mode ( A )
1.Select the APERTURE PRiORiTY Mode by rotating the mode dial.
2.Set the aperture value by usingthe
3.Pressthe +/- button twice and take an image.
*SmallerAperture values make the object sharp but blur the background. LargerAperture values make both the object and background sharp.