The images are unclear
•A picture was taken the subject without setting an appropriatemacro mode Select an appropriate macro mode to take a clear image.
•Taking a picture beyond theflash range
Take a picture withinthe flash range
•The lens issmudged or dirty Clean the lens
The flash does not fire
• Flash off mode has been selected
•The camera mode can t use the flash Refer to the FLASHinstruction(p.24)
Incorrect date and time is displayed
•The date and time have been set incorrectlyorthe camera has adopted the default settings
_Reset the date and time correctly
The camera buttonsdo notoperate
• Camera malfunction
Acard error has occurredwhile the memory card isin the camera.
•incorrect memory card format
The images don'tpiay back
•incorrect file name (Violation of DCFformat) Do not change the imagefile name
Colour of image isdifferent to the originalscene
•White balance or effect setting is incorrect Select appropriateWhite balance and effect
Images are too bright
• Exposure isexcessive
Reset exposure compensation
No image on externaJmonitor
•The externaJmonitor has not been connected propedywith the camera Check the connection cables
•There are incorrectfiles inthe memory card
tnsert a memory card that has correctfiles
When using the PO'sexplorer,the [Removable Disk]file does notshow
•Cable connection isincorrect Check the connection
•The camera isoff
Turn the camera on
•The operating system isnot Windows 98, 98SE, 2000, ME, XP/Mac OS 10.0 - 10.3. Alternativelythe PC does notsupport USB
InstallWindows 98, 98SE, 2000, ME, XP/Mac OS 10.0 - 10.3to PC that supports USB
•The camera driver is not installed Installa [USB Storage Driver]