• The maximum enlargement rate inproportion to the image size.
Image size 8M 7MP 6MW 5M 3M 1M
Max,mumenargemenraeX 2.0 Xl .3 X9.5 X9.0 X8.0 X4.0
•Trimming : You can extract partof the imagethat you want and save it separately.
1.Select an image that you want to enlarge and press the enlargementbutton. Pressthe Menu button and a messagewill be displayed.
2.Select a desired sub menu bypressing the Left/Right button and press theOK button.
[Yes] : Thetrimmed image willsave as a new filename, and display on the LCD monitor.
[No] : The trimming menu wiltdisappear.
÷If there is little memory space to savethe trimmed image, the imagecan'tbe trimmed.
÷To deletethe enlarged imageduring the trimming function, press the delete button.
•When the menu isdisplayed on the LCD monitor,pressing the UP button makes the menu cursor move up.
•When the menu isnot displayedon the LCD monitor, the UP button operates as thevoice memo button. You can add your voice to a stored stillimage.
•Adding a Voice Memo to a Still Image
1.Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to select an image that you wish to add soundto.
2.Press thevoice memo button ( ,_ ) and the voice memo indicatorwill display. The camera isnow ready to record a voice memo.
3.Press the shutterbutton to start recording and voice will be recorded to the still image for 10 seconds. While thevoice is recording,the recording status window will be displayedas shown alongside.
4.The recording can be stopped by pressing the shutter button again.
5.The ( _ ) icon will be displayed on the LCD monitor after voice memo recording has finished.
-Voice memos can'tbe recorded onto movie clip and voice recording files.
-A distanceof 40cm between you and the camera (microphone)is the bestdistance to record sound.
-The voice memowill be saved in *.wav format, but has the same file name as the still imageto which it corresponds.
-If you add anew voice memo to the stilt imagethat already has a voice memo, the existingvoice memo will be erased.