4.PressthePlay/ Pause button while playing the movie clip. Then press the E button.
5. The paused movie clip is saved in a new file |
name. |
÷ The capturedmovie clip file has same size as | [Paused] |
theoriginal movie clip (800X592, 720X480, |
640X480, 320X240) |
| [Pressing the E button] |
•On camera movie trimming : You can extract desiredframes of movie clip during the movie clip play back.
•Ifthe running time isunder 10 seconds, the movie clip can'tbe trimmed.
1.Pressthe Pause button at the point of the movie clip that you want to start extracting.
2.Pressthe OK button. (The start point doesn't displayon the status bar, butthe start point will be marked.)
3.The movie plays back againand the extracted rangewill be displayed on the status bar.
4.Pressthe Play & Pause buttononce more at the point where you wish the extracted file to stop.
5.Pressthe OK button and a confirmationwindow willdisplay.
6.Select adesired sub menu by pressing the Left/ Right button and pressthe OK button.
[Yes] : The extractedframes are saved as a new file name.
[No] : The movie trimming wilt canseL