Samsung VP D 352 i manual Nastavení zvuku závûrky pouze VP-D353i/D354i/D355i

Models: VP D 352 i

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System Menu Setting

Nastavení systémové nabídky

Setting the Shutter Sound (VP-D353(i)/D354(i)/D355(i) only)

The Shutter Sound function works in both Player and M.Cam modes.

You can turn the Shutter Sound on or off, when on, with each press of the PHOTO button the Shutter will Sound.

Nastavení zvuku závûrky (pouze VP-D353(i)/D354(i)/D355(i))

Funkce Zvuk závûrky funguje v reÏimech Player i M.Cam.

MÛÏete zapnout nebo vypnout funkci Zvuk závûrky.

KdyÏ je funkce zapnutá, pfii kaÏdém stisknutí tlaãítka PHOTO se ozve zvuk.

1.Set the Power switch to CAMERA or PLAYER.

2.If the Power switch is set to CAMERA mode, set the MODE switch to MEMORY CARD.

If the Power switch is set to PLAYER mode, set the MODE switch to TAPE.

3.Press the MENU button.

The menu list will appear.

4.Move the Menu selector to the left or right to select System, then press the Menu selector.

5.Move the Menu selector to the left or right to select Shutter Sound, then press the Menu selector.

6.Move the Menu selector to the left or right to select On or Off, then press the Menu selector.

7.To exit, press the MENU button.



Player Mode








Clock Set



Beep Sound



Shutter Sound



USB Version

USB 2.0





Select MENU Exit


Player Mode




Clock Set



Beep Sound



Shutter Sound


USB Version







Select MENU Exit

1.Vypínaã Power pfiepnûte do polohy CAMERA nebo


2.KdyÏ je vypínaã Power nastaven na reÏim CAMERA, nastavte ovladaã Mode na moÏnost MEMORY CARD. KdyÏ je vypínaã Power nastaven na reÏim PLAYER, nastavte ovladaã Mode na moÏnost TAPE.

3.Stisknûte tlaãítko MENU.

Zobrazí se seznam nabídek.

4.Pohybem ovladaãe Menu doleva ãi doprava vyberte poloÏku System (Systém), poté ovladaã stisknûte.

5.Pohybem ovladaãe Menu doleva ãi doprava vyberte poloÏku Shutter Sound (Zvuk závûrky), poté ovladaã stisknûte.

6.Pohybem ovladaãe Menu doleva ãi doprava vyberte poloÏku On (Zapnout) nebo Off (Vypnout), poté ovladaã stisknûte.

7.Pro ukonãení stisknûte tlaãítko MENU.


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Samsung VP D 352 i Nastavení zvuku závûrky pouze VP-D353i/D354i/D355i, Setting the Shutter Sound VP-D353i/D354i/D355i only