Problems and Solutions

General problems







Nothing appears in the

Make sure the power cord is properly plugged into a



power outlet.


Connect another electrical appliance to the outlet to



see if it has power.




The machine does not

If a beep sound is not made when you press the keys,

respond when you press


unplug the power cord, wait at least 5 seconds, and

any of its keys.


then plug it in again.




Automatic document

Check the size and weight of the document (see page

feeding does not work .






Printed output is faint.

The toner cartridge may need replacement (see page







Dots appear at regular

The drum cartridge may be damaged. Replace the

intervals on printed output.


drum cartridge (see page 150).




Characters or parts of the

Remove the drum cartridge as explained on page 150

image are missing from


and wipe the surface of the drum (the green cylinder)

printed output.


with a dry cotton swab. If print quality does not



improve after wiping with a dry cotton swab, you can



try moistening the swab with isopropyl alcohol or



ethanol. However, do not moisten the swab with



isopropyl alcohol or ethanol unless absolutely



necessary, as this may cause stains or smears to



appear on the first pages printed after cleaning (the



stains may never completely disappear).