Chapter 11 - FINlite Graphics Tool
Chapter Overview
Chapter 11 - FINlite Graphics Tool
Chapter Overview
Chapter 11 discusses the following topics:
FINlite Graphics Tool Overview
–User Interface Description for the FINlite Graphics Tool
–Tips for Using the FINlite Graphics Tool
Using the FINlite Graphics Tool
–Launching the FINlite Graphics Tool
–Logging in to the Controller
–Creating Graphics
–Editing the Graphics Animation
–Saving and Publishing the Graphics File
–Creating Device Templates
–Backing up Graphics
FINlite Graphics Tool Overview
The Field Panel Web Server Graphics Application is a graphic utility program called Siemens FINlite. FINlite can be used to create, modify, animate, and save graphics files to be used with the Web Server user interface. Graphics files can be backed up via the HMI, using the Graphicsbackup feature, and deleted via the HMI, using the Delete_file feature.
Siemens FINlite can connect to a panel and bind graphical elements to data points. While connected to the panel, you will be able to see current values, and command points to see the affects on graphics.
Siemens FINlite supports Windows XP (SP3), Windows 7, and Vista.
Siemens FINlite is an Adobe AIR application. Adobe AIR must be installed on the PC before Siemens FINlite can be installed.
Siemens FINlite provides the following operations: Create graphics
Manipulate graphics Animate graphics
| | Test animation with live data before publication | |
| | Save the graphics components to the user library for reuse | |
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Siemens Industry, Inc. |