Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 241
% 5HERRWLQJ5/0VIf a particular Radio Link Module has stopped responding to normal bridging
requests, you can reboot (reset) the Access Point RLM. You can reboot
RLMs either manually on-the-spot or remotely.
Upon reboot, the Radio Link Module will run the start-up diagnostics and
start bridging operation using the configuration parameters as they were
stored in the RLM prior to the reboot. For “out-of-the-box” RLMs, these
parameters will be as identified in Table 9Start-up Configuration - RLM.
To reboot the RLM manually on-the-spot proceed as follows:
1. Remove the cover of the Radio Link Module (see the Manual “Industrial
Ethernet Wireless LAN, Radio Link Module RLM” on IWL-CD that came
with your RLM, for assistance if needed).
2. Locate the two small holes on the bottom of the processor module,
marked “Reset” and “Reload” as pictured in Figure 43Reset Button.