Functional Overview
Figure 2-6 AHBC memory map
The other fourteen 4KB regions are read as zero. The lower 16 bits of the AHB address decode the memory controller that is being used. An external AHB decoder determines where in the system memory map, this 64KB region is located. See About the programmer’s model on page
2.3.3Clock domain operation
The memory controller supports two clock domains:
•the AHB clock domain
•the static memory clock domain.
The hclk input drives the AHB clock domain. This clock drives the AHB interfaces and bus matrix. The static memory controller has a separate clock input in this domain. This is called smc_aclk. This signal is separated to enable the clock to be stopped independently of hclk for
The static memory clock domain controls the memory interface logic of the SMC. The input signal smc_mclk0 and its inverse smc_mclk0n drive this domain. Each external static memory chip is driven by a gated smc_mclk0 signal, these are called smc_clk_out_0[3:0]. Clocks are only driven out to chips that require them. The static memory interface has a fed back clock input, smc_fbclk_in_0, to help with clock skews on the external pads.
The memory controller supports many different options for clocking the different domains:
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