5) File sharing related error
Error code | Message displayed in | Contents | Troubleshooting | |
the TopAccess screen | ||||
| ||
2D10 | Illegal Job status | System access abnormality | P. | |
2D11 | Not enough memory | Insufficient memory | P. | |
2D12 | Illegal Job status | Message reception error | P. | |
2D13 | Illegal Job status | Message transmission error | P. | |
2D14 | Invalid parameter specified | Invalid parameter | P. | |
2D15 | There are too many documents in the | Exceeding document number | P. | |
| folder. Failed in creating new docu- |
| |
| ment. |
| |
2D20 | Illegal Job status | System management module access | P. | |
| abnormality |
| |
2D21 | Illegal Job status | Job control module access abnor- | P. | |
| mality |
| |
2D22 | Illegal Job status | Job control module access abnor- | P. | |
| mality |
| |
2D30 | Failed to create directory | Directory creation failure | P. | |
2D31 | Failed to create file | File creation failure | P. | |
2D32 | Failed to delete file | File deletion failure | P. | |
2D33 | Failed to create file | File access failure | P. | |
2D40 | Failed to convert image file format | Image conversion abnormality | P. | |
2D60 | Failed to copy file | File library access abnormality | P. | |
2D62 | Failed to connect to network destina- | File server connection error | P. | |
| tion. Check destination path |
| |
2D63 | Specified network path is invalid. | Invalid network path | P. | |
| Check destination path |
| |
2D64 | Logon to file server failed. Check | Login failure | P. | |
| username and password |
| |
2D65 | There are too many documents in the | Exceeding documents in folder: | P. | |
| folder. Failed in creating new docu- | Creating new document is failed. |
| |
| ment. |
| |
2D66 | Failed to process your Job. Insuffi- | HDD full failure during processing | P. | |
| cient disk space. |
| |
2D67 | FTP service is not available | FTP service not available | P. | |
2D68 | File Sharing service is not available | File sharing service not available | P. | |
2DA0 | Expired scan documents deleted | Periodical deletion of scanned docu- | - | |
| from share folder. | ments completed properly. |
| |
2DA1 | Expired Sent Fax documents deleted | Periodical deletion of transmitted | - | |
| from shared folder. | FAX documents completed properly. |
| |
2DA2 | Expired Received Fax documents | Periodical deletion of received FAX | - | |
| deleted from shared folder. | documents completed properly. |
| |
2DA3 | Scanned documents in shared folder | Manual deletion of scanned docu- | - | |
| deleted upon users request. | ments completed properly. |
| |
2DA4 | Sent Fax Documents in shared folder | Manual deletion of transmitted FAX | - | |
| deleted upon users request. | documents completed properly. |
| |
2DA5 | Received Fax Documents in shared | Manual deletion of received FAX | - | |
| folder deleted upon users request. | documents completed properly. |
| |
2DA6 | Failed to delete file. | File deletion failure | P. | |
2DA7 | Failed to acquire resource. | Resource acquiring failure | P. | |
2DC0 | Job canceled | Job canceling | - | |
2DC1 | Power failure occurred | Power failure | P. |
| © June 2005 TOSHIBA TEC |
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