6) E-mail reception related error
Error code | Message displayed in | Contents | Troubleshooting | |
the TopAccess screen | ||||
| ||
3A10 | MIME Error has been detected in the | P. | ||
| received mail. |
| |
3A11 | MIME Error has been detected in the |
| P. | |
| received mail. This mail has been |
| |
| transferred to the administrator. |
| |
3A12 | MIME Error has been detected in the |
| P. | |
| received mail. This mail could not be |
| |
| transferred to the administrator. |
| |
3A20 | Analyze Error has been detected in | P. | ||
| the received mail. |
| |
3A21 | Analyze Error has been detected in |
| P. | |
| the received mail. This mail has been |
| |
| transferred to the administrator. |
| |
3A22 | Analyze Error has been detected in |
| P. | |
| the received mail. This mail could not |
| |
| be transferred to the administrator. |
| |
3A30 | Whole partial mails were not reached | Partial mail | P. | |
| by timeout. |
| |
3A40 | Partial Mail Error has been detected | Partial mail related error | P. | |
| in the received mail. |
| |
3A50 | HDD Full Error has been occurred in | Insufficient HDD capacity error | P. | |
| this mail. |
| |
3A51 | HDD Full Error has been occurred in |
| P. | |
| this mail. This mail has been trans- |
| |
| ferred to the administrator. |
| |
3A52 | HDD Full Error has been occurred in |
| P. | |
| this mail. This mail could not be |
| |
| transferred to the administrator. |
| |
3A60 | HDD Full Warning has been occurred | Warning of insufficient HDD capacity | P. | |
| in this mail. |
| |
3A61 | HDD Full Warning has been occurred |
| P. | |
| in this mail. This mail could not be |
| |
| transferred to the administrator. |
| |
3A62 | HDD Full Warning has been occurred |
| P. | |
| in this mail. This mail could not be |
| |
| transferred to the administrator. |
| |
3A70 | Receiving partial mail was aborted | Warning of partial mail interruption | P. | |
| since the partial mail setting has |
| |
| been changed to Disable. |
| |
3A80 | Partial mail was received during the | Partial mail reception setting OFF | P. | |
| partial mail setting is disabled. |
| |
3A81 | Partial mail was received during the |
| P. | |
| partial mail setting is disabled. This |
| |
| mail has been transferred to the |
| |
| administrator. |
| |
3A82 | Partial mail was received during the |
| P. | |
| partial mail setting is disabled. This |
| |
| mail could not be transferred to the |
| |
| administrator. |
| |
3B10 | Format Error has been detected in | P. | ||
| the received mail. |
| |
3B11 | Format Error has been detected in |
| P. | |
| the received mail. This mail has been |
| |
| transferred to the administrator. |
| |
3B12 | Format Error has been detected in |
| P. | |
| the received mail. This mail could not |
| |
| be transferred to the administrator. |
| |
© June 2005 TOSHIBA TEC |
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