The Grand Tour
Companion Application Windows
Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08 11
Companion Application Windows
Companion Application Windows open as the result of clicking one of the Option
Keys on Net Phone. These windows open docked (connected) to the bottom side of
the main window or can be undocked (moved away) from the main window. While a
companion window is docked with the main window, whenever the main window is
moved the companion window will move with it. And likewise whenever the main
window is minimized (into the system tray) or restored, the companion window(s)
moves with it.
When companion windows are undocked, they float separately from the main window
and can be moved and resized separately.
The More Buttons companion application provides an optional capability allowing the
window to dock to either the left or right side of the screen. The buttons change
configuration to show in a single vertical column and remain in view with other
applications open on the desktop.