User-Defined Actions
Creating Actions
Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08 61
2. Key Strokes: To restore Notepad (Alt Sp R): Key Strokes:= %%{ }R and to
move to the end of the file (Control+End): append to Key Strokes: ^{END}
3. In Program EXE: Enter program name and file name to open “Notepad.exe /
Note The forward slash after "Notepad.exe" is needed to allow the command-line
parameter "/calls.txt" to be used. The result is that the file “calls.txt” will open,
if not open, and popup with the cursor at the end of the file allowing additional
entries to be made.
Special Keys
The plus sign (+), caret (^), percent sign (%), tilde (~), and parentheses ( ) have special
meanings. To specify one of these characters, enclose it inside braces. For example,
to specify the plus sign, use {+}. Brackets ([ ]) also must enclose them in braces. To
send brace characters, use {{} and {}}.
To specify characters that aren't displayed when you press a key (such as Enter or Tab)
and keys that represent actions rather than characters, use the codes shown below:
Key Code Key Code
Backspace {BS} or {BKSP} Tab {TAB}
Break {BREAK} Up Arrow {UP}
Caps Lock {CAPSLOCK} F1 {F1}
Clear {CLEAR} F2 {F2}
Del {DEL} F3 {F3}
Down Arrow {DOWN} F4 {F4}
End {END} F5 {F5}
Enter {ENTER} F6 {F6}
Esc {ESC} F7 {F7}
Help {HELP} F8 {F8}
Home {HOME} F9 {F9}
Ins {INS} F10 {F10}