Net Phone Settings
Dialing Tab
The biggest choice to make in this tab is to determine whether to follow a Server- based dial plan, use a dial plan defined for your station, or dial all the codes yourself. The last option is not practical when using a database or using “hot key” dialing since other applications never know what is a valid number to dial including entering a trunk access code when needed. If your System Administrator has set up the Server- based Dial Plan, this is the best choice and will save you a lot of time.
Local Dialing Plan
•Trunk Access Code – This must be set to the access code you need to dial to get an outside line or trunk. Making outside calls using "Speed Dial" keys or dialing from another program, a Trunk Access Code will automatically be dialed to access a trunk before dialing the phone number.
•Home Area Code – Your local area code should be defined here. This is used only when you choose to use the Local Dial Plan.
20 | Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08 |