The new configurations apply to the Transfer to Storage Destination Application.
Scan to multiple storage folders:
1.Load the documents into the scanner that you want to scan to multiple storage folders.
2.Open the OneTouch Properties window.
3.Click the button you’ve set up for archiving documents. In the example above it’s the Copy button.
4.Select one of the configurations you created for storage.
5.Click OK. The OneTouch Properties window closes.
6.Now either press the button on the scanner, or click it on the OneTouch Button Panel.
The documents are scanned to the folder specified for the configuration.
7.When scanning is finished, open the OneTouch Properties window again and select the other configuration you created for storage.
8.Click OK. The OneTouch Properties window closes.
9.Now either press the button on the scanner again, or click it on the OneTouch Button Panel.
When scanning is finished, the documents are stored in the two separate folders.